The intrinsic essence of the church is the divine life, for the divine life generates the church; the divine life is nothing but the processed Triune God dispensed into us and being dispensed into us as the now-dispensing Triune God. This week we come to a new series of Holy Word for Morning Revival focused […]
The Intrinsic Essence of the Church is the Divine Life, which Generates the Church
The Central Thought of God and How God Accomplishes His Purpose by His Life

As we enter into a more crystallized study of the book of Genesis in our Holy Word for Morning Revival, we want to be emptied and unloaded in our spirit so that we may receive a fresh revelation from the Lord, and we want to be pure in heart so that we may see this […]
we can know the True One with our regenerated spirit and with our mind enlightened by the Spirit
It is God’s deepest desire that His people would know Him and enjoy Him. We need to pursue to know this One who is The True One. By the exercise of our regenerated spirit mingled with the Spirit of reality, our mind is enlightened that we may know God, enjoy God, and experience God. This is the eternal life – that we may know Him, the only true God, and the One He has sent [continue reading]
the key to our living and service in the Body of Christ depends on the law of the Spirit of life
The Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God has a living and a service which is organic and corporate – all the members of the Body of Christ live together by taking Christ as life (Col. 3:3-4), and also all the members care for one another (1 Cor. 12:25-27). What I realize […]
out of the three lives and four laws, choose the law of the Spirit of life!
We human beings are so complicated, and when we believe in the Lord, by receiving His divine life into us, we become even MORE complicated! Now a believer has three lives and there are 4 laws related to him. And it’s all based both on the Bible and on our experience! There are different laws […]
the key is reigning in life by being under the ruling of the divine life within
Many times we read portions of the New / Old Testament and we say, just like most of the rest of the people, I can never do this – it is impossible! Or even if we don’t say it, we at least think this – and we know that, at least for a long term […]
God’s intention is to have many sons that are just like His firstborn Son

In the beginning of the ages, when there was no time, God is/was/will be. He simply is – He exists by Himself, through Himself, and no one is needed for Him to just be. Here, Christ was the Only Begotten Son of God, being part of the Divine Trinity. But God’s desire, His intention, was […]