Praise the Lord, as believers in Christ we were born again to be part of the divine history, part of the new man, to live and write the history of God in man, and we can experience God’s organic salvation and preach the gospel of peace to become the one new man in reality and […]
In the Divine History we Experience God’s Organic Salvation and Preach the Gospel of Peace
The Divine History with Christ’s Death and Resurrection, the Church, and the New Jerusalem

The history of God in man began with the Lord’s incarnation and continued with His human living, His all-inclusive death, His life-imparting resurrection, His all-transcending ascension, His producing the church, the church as the one new man, the millennial kingdom, and consummates in the New Jerusalem. It is quite amazing to see and realize that […]
The Way to Fulfill God’s Economy is by Christ as the Sevenfold Intensified Spirit

As believers in Christ we are all serving ones: we have been saved by Christ to serve God, and we need to serve God in an up-to-date way by knowing the age, by realizing the way Christ fulfills His economy, and by spreading the truths of His recovery for His coming back. We need to […]
Christ’s incarnation was the beginning of the history of God in man

We are so privileged to live in the New Testament age, the age of grace, where God’s history is IN man, in union with man. In the Old Testament God’s history with man was mainly outwardly, WITH man. You can even say that God’s history with man in the Old Testament was indirect, and was […]
seeing the human history according to God and being in the divine history

In the Minor Prophets more than anywhere else we can see that behind and within the outward human history there’s a divine history that is taking place. We are taught history in school and we think that THIS is what’s really going on; but we need to see the universal history according to God’s economy, […]
Crystallization-Study of the Minor Prophets – banners, messages, and songs
The 2012 Summer Training messages were on, Crystallization-Study of the Minor Prophets. What a rich time, and what a high speaking from the Lord concerning His move, His economy, and His purpose! Below are the banners for this time, the titles of the messages, and a short video of the singing of the banners of […]
the divine history within the human history, God’s economy and purpose
In school we are being taught about the history of our nation & the history of the continent we live in & the history of the world. We daily hear/watch news about the leaders of the countries taking certain decisions, events taking place in different parts of the world, wars, good news or bad news. […]