the Triune God is not for theological understanding but for the divine dispensing!

With our natural mind we cannot understand the Triune God; God being Triune, One yet Three, Three yet One – this blows our mind away. As someone said, To understand God you need to BE God. But everywhere in the Bible we see the Triune God! The whole Bible is saturated with the Divine Trinity! And the main aspect we see about the Triune God is that He is not for our mental comprehension or theological understanding but He is for dispensing all that He is into us! God is Triune so that God the Father in the Son through the Spirit would impart all the riches of God into man! [read more concerning the Focus of the Epistles – the Divine Trinity for the Divine Dispensing]

Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to dwell together in oneness!

What is is so good about the church life? What is it so good about brothers living together? It is the Triune God! Here we are fellow partakers, joint partakers, of the grace of life! We don’t insist on being right, but we obey the teaching of the anointing within (1 John 2:27) which teaches us to abide in Him! No matter what you say / what happens, the Triune God paints you with all the elements that are compounded in the Spirit! You may insist on something – as long as you’re in the church life, you are painted, and the ingredients of the processed and consummated Triune God are applied to you! [continue reading this portion online – inspired from message 10 in the 2011 winter training]

the gospel is the answer and the key to the five main mysteries in the universe

The Bible unveils the keys to the mystery of God, man, the universe, the church, and the future. God is a mystery – no one has ever seen or touched God, but He exists and He is a mystery to man. The universe is also a mystery – immeasurable, uncomprehensible. Man is a mystery both to himself and to others! The church is a mystery – especially in its definition and its purpose. Also, our future is a mystery, especially the future of the mankind. The Bible reveals these mysteries, and Romans 8 especially unveils and explains these mysteries! [continue reading this portion online + add your comment as a strengthening]

Christ is our Forerunner, the heavenly Minister, and the Surety and Mediator of a better covenant!

Christ as the all-inclusive One is our Forerunner (Heb. 6:20) – He is the Pioneer, the One who has cut the way into glory to enter within the veil. All the believers in Christ are running in God’s race, and the man Jesus Christ is our Forerunner in this race – He has run the […]

a wonderful two-way traffic for us to enjoy the Father through the Son in the Spirit

This is so wonderful! These verses in Eph 2:16-18 show us that we have access unto the Father through the Son and in the Spirit! When the Lord Jesus came to us as God embodied, He came with the Father (John 8:29; 16:32) and in the name of the Father (John 5:43). The Father planned […]

The Central Line of the Bible – The Triune God! Our God is One yet Three, He is Triune!

These days we’re enjoying the Central Line of the Bible – the central line of the divine revelation in the Holy Scriptures. Yesterday we saw that the first item in the Central Line of the Bible is the Word of God – the expression, definition, and explanation of God. Today we are enjoying the second […]

we are becoming the house of His beauty by receiving His daily dispensing in His Word

How wonderful – God is beautified in His church, and the church is the house of His beauty! By putting Himself into us as the Spirit and the word, Christ becomes our beauty, brightness, and splendor! When we get into the Word of God, as Eph 5:26-27 says, we are being washed, cleansed, purified, and […]