For the fulfillment of God’s purpose, “the seed” is a very important matter. In the Bible we see that Christ is a threefold seed: He is the seed of the woman (Gen. 3:15), the seed of Abraham (Gen. 17:2), and the seed of David. The entire Scriptures is wrapped up with the seed in these […]
The Seed of Abraham is First Christ and Then the Believers in Christ, the Body
We Need to Live the Life of a God-man for the New Man as the Corporate God-man

When we say that all genuine believers in Christ are God-men, we don’t say this in a presumptuous and reckless way – we simply state what the Bible says. The Bible clearly says that Christ is the first God-man – in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily, and He fully manifested God […]
Seeing a Clear Vision of the Living Person of Christ, the Wonderful Corporate “Me”

In order to complete the word of God in our experience, we need to have a clear vision of what and who Christ is. It is God’s delight and pleasure to reveal His Son in us (Gal. 1:15-16). No matter how low we are, how far away from God we are, or even how good […]
The Corporate Christ as a Stone Cut Without Hands will Crush the Great Human Image!

These past few days we have been prayerfully studying Daniel 2 and the prophecies concerning the great human image. As frightful as it may be and as great as the human government seems to be today, the destiny of the great human image is to be crushed by a stone cut out without hands (Dan. […]
the saints’ living together in oneness in the church life is blessed by God

This week we are enjoying the wonderful Psalm 133 concerning the Lord’s commanded blessing on the brothers dwelling in oneness. Our church life is not an individual life but a corporate life, a collective life, and our experience of the church life has at least four aspects: it is a corporate experience, an ascending experience, […]
as the ones built up with the saints in our locality as the church, we are the light of the world
Hallelujah for Matthew 5:14, which says, You are the light of the world. It is impossible for a city situated upon a mountain to be hidden. This morning I was so impressed with the fact that we, as the church, are the city situated upon the mountain, shining! Several things about this “struck” me, as […]
Exposing man’s fallen concept on the church vs the true nature of the church, the Body of Christ

This article is exposing man’s fallen concept on the church through Satan’s evil intentions, scheme, and operation – and seeing in the Word of God what the true nature/reality of the church is: the Body of Christ! Unfortunately, due to man’s fall there has been a lot of confusion among people concerning what exactly the […]