As believers in Christ and as members of the Body of Christ, we are being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, and Christ Jesus Himself is the cornerstone; Christ is the cornerstone of God’s building to join us together in oneness. Hallelujah! The intrinsic significance of all the materials of God’s […]
Church is Built on the Foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Christ as the Cornerstone
Praising Christ as the Cornerstone – He’s our Savior and the Builder of God’s House

As the all-inclusive stone, Christ is the centrality of God’s move for the building up of His eternal habitation; Christ as the cornerstone is both our Savior and the Builder of God’s house. When the Lord Jesus was speaking concerning Himself and His authority, He said that He is the stone which the builders rejected […]
Christ was Rejected by Man but was made by God to be Cornerstone for God’s building

This week we are enjoying and prayerfully considering the matter of, Christ as the Stone-Savior Producing Living Stones for God’s Building; Christ is the cornerstone for God’s building. When Peter spoke in Acts 4 his second gospel message, he said that the man they just healed was healed by Jesus Christ, who is the stone […]
We Need Certain Crucial Experiences of Christ for the Building of the Church

In order for God to have a built-up church as His temple where He can dwell with man on earth, His people need to experience the all-inclusive Christ as their everything. We need to have certain crucial experiences of Christ, as revealed in the New Testament, so that the church as the temple of God […]
this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Praise the Lord – this is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it (Psa. 118:24)! This day is none other than the resurrection day, the Lord’s day, the day on which Christ resurrected and was set by God as the cornerstone for God’s building (Acts 20:7; 1 […]
as the cornerstone, Christ is the Savior and the building factor for God’s building

As we study the matter of Christ being the cornerstone more in depth we realize that everything that Christ has done on earth is so that He would become the cornerstone chosen and precious to God. God became a man, lived a perfect human life, died an all-inclusive death on the cross, resurrected from the […]
Christ is the cornerstone building us up as living stones in God’s building

In Psalm 118 we see how Christ as the stone which the builders have rejected has become the head of the corner, even the chief cornerstone (Psa. 118:22). The thanksgiving of God’s elect for God’s goodness and the everlasting lovingkindness are both leading to Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building. The cornerstone is the […]