The Lord wants His church to know Him as the truth and to receive and enjoy Him as life; both truth and life are Christ Himself, and the content of the church should be the growth of Christ in us as truth and life. Amen! On the one hand, the church is the house […]
Truth and Life: the Church needs to Know the Lord as the Truth and Enjoy Him as Life
The Church is the Tabernacle of God and Christ is the Center and Content of the Church

Just as the Ark was the center and content of the tabernacle, so Christ is the center and content of the church; for us to enter into the reality of the Body of Christ, we must see the intrinsic significance of the Ark. This week in our HWMR on the Crystallization-study of 1 & […]
Opening to the Lord to Search our Heart and make His Home in our Heart for the Body

If we would have the reality of the Body of Christ, we must allow Christ to make His home in our hearts, for only by the inner experience of Christ as life can we have this reality of the Body. Today the universal Body of Christ is expressed on earth as the local churches, and […]
Life is the way to fulfill God’s purpose; the Lord’s recovery is a recovery of truth and life
If we lose the truth and life in the Word of God we lose everything, and all is left is what Christianity has in general today: human organization, methods, good teachings, outward things, a social gathering, and a feel-good gospel. But we need to see that today the Lord’s recovery is a recovery of the truth and life! This is what the Lord desires – He wants the church to know Him as truth and receive Him as life! The content of the church should be the increase and the growth of Christ in us as truth and life.