It is so encouraging to see the Lord’s promise to the overcomers in the church in Pergamos, who are enjoying Christ as the hidden manna to be transformed into a white stone, approved by God, suitable for God’s building, having a name written on it that only the overcomer and the Lord knows. May we […]
Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna Transforms us into a White Stone bearing a New Name
Overcoming to eat Christ as the Hidden Manna to be Incorporated into New Jerusalem

To each of the seven churches He writes to in Rev. 2-3 the Lord promises a particular kind of reward for the overcomers; to those in Pergamos, who overcome the degradation in the worldly church holding the teaching of Balaam and of the Nicolaitans, the Lord promises to give them of the hidden manna and […]
Holding the Faith, Enjoying the Lord, and Functioning as Members of the Body

The church in Pergamos, the church in union with the world, held the teaching of Balaam and the teaching of the Nicolaitans; what started as the practice of the Nicolaitans in Ephesus now became a teaching in Pergamos. The Lord’s speaking to this church as recorded in Rev. 2 is applicable to our situation today. […]
Guarding Ourselves from Idols and being the Lord’s Faithful Witnesses, His Martyrs

When the church goes the way of the world and accepts worldly things, practices, and situations as normal, we need to be like Antipas, the faithful witnesses for the Lord with the spirit of a martyr, standing against anything the world has to offer and bring into the church, so that we may keep the Lord’s […]
Dwelling in our Spirit and in Christ, and being a Chaste Bride for the Lord Today
![In the Lord Jesus, Satan as the ruler of the world had no ground, no chance, no hope, no possibility in anything....Here is a man of prayer who said that Satan, the ruler of the world, had nothing in Him [John 14:30]....Christ was a man of prayer, a man who is one with God, lives in the presence of God continuously, trusts in God in His suffering and persecution, and in whom Satan has nothing. W. Lee, The God-man Living, p. 90](
Because the church in Pergamos entered into a union with the world, she dwelled where the throne of Satan is; we should not be in the place where Satan is and reigns but be those dwelling in our spirit and in Christ, the One in whom Satan has nothing! The Lord’s speaking to the church […]
Completely Coming out of the Degraded Christianity and Not Fearing its Persecution

This week we come to the Lord’s speaking to the church in Pergamos; as a sign, this church prefigures the church that entered into a marriage union with the world and became a fortified tower, having its nature changed and being full of mixture. We today need to be guarded against the degradation that is […]
Overcoming the Worldliness in the Degraded Church by Eating Christ as the Hidden Manna

Only the Lord sees and knows our real situation and our true condition. Christ as the High Priest is constantly walking (not running, but walking) among the local churches, He sees their situation, and He speaks a specific word to each of the churches. Through His speaking to the churches, the Lord trims away anything […]