In this universe there’s a throne, the throne of God, and God sits on the throne administrating the whole universe. We need to be in spirit as the apostle John was, and we will see the throne set up in heaven (Rev. 4:2). Don’t believe what you see, and don’t think that man can do […]
Being Brought into the Realm of God’s Economy for Christ to be Our Everything
Christ needs to become the centrality and universality of our life and work

Christ is the centrality (the center) and the universality (the circumference) in God’s economy. We may understand this, like this, and even say this, but has this become a vision to us that affects our being to the extent that to us, in our experience, Christ is our center and our everything? We need to […]
seeing the centrality and universality of Christ in the Minor Prophets

We are now in the Crystallization Study of the Minor Prophets, and this morning I was impressed with the fact that Christ is the centrality and universality in God’s economy and in His move to accomplish His economy. If you read the Minor Prophets (from Hosea to Malachi) you may be impressed with a lot […]
loving the Lord by giving Him the first place in our work and in our speaking

To love the Lord with the first love is to give Christ the first place in everything, and this means that we need to give Christ the first place in our work and in our speaking. Even in working for the Lord, we may do something out of ourselves and with a hidden motive to […]
What does it mean to give the Lord the preeminence, the first place, in everything?
To give the Lord the first place in our life practically means to repent and do the first works. Rev. 2:5 warns us that if we don’t repent and do the first works, the Lord will remove the lampstand. These works issue from our first love for the Lord – they are a work issuing from a heart filled with zeal for the Lord’s love, and this is precious in the Lord’s eyes. We love the Lord so much that we just do the first works – and they come out of our zeal, our love for Him! In that day, when we will stand before God at His judgement seat, He will appreciate how much of what we have done out of love for Him. Only those things we do motivated by our love for the Lord are considered gold, silver, and precious stones. If we don’t do these works, the Lord will take the lampstand! Whatever we do in the church life, we need to love the Lord and do the first works – and we will be a corporate expression of the Triune God everywhere on the earth as the golden lampstands! [continue reading online – 12 ways we can give the Lord the preeminence in our life]
Christ, the house of God, the city of God, and the earth: the main points of the book of Psalms!
It is so easy to read the Psalms and take them in an outward, natural way, for our comfort and our encouragement… but if we do this, we fail to see what the Psalms really reveal. In the Psalms there are four major words being developed and spoken of: Christ, the house, the city, and […]
the central thought of the book of Psalms is Christ and the church as the house and the city of God
Praise the Lord for the book of the Psalms! Just like most believers, I also love this book – every psalm brings me closer to God. It is so sweet to read psalms and love the Lord more, or at least to be ministered to in the situation or condition you’re in… According to our […]