The final organic aspect and the consummation of God’s work in and with man is the wife, the counterpart. The final step of God’s procedure to obtain His goal is to work Himself into man to make man His counterpart and complement. God desires to have a wife, a counterpart, to match Him in every […]
God is Working Himself into Man to Obtain His Counterpart, the New Jerusalem
Growing in Life and Being Transformed to Become Precious Materials for God’s Building

God’s purpose to have man as His expression and representation on earth is fulfilled in the way of life. Firstly, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in, enjoy, and partake of so that man may have God’s life and may grow in life. Secondly, God in Christ as the […]
Drinking of God as the River of Water of Life for God to Fulfill His Purpose

God’s purpose is to have a corporate man to express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion, and the way He is accomplishes His purpose is by His life. First, God in Christ is the tree of life for man to take in God, enjoy God, partake of God, and be filled […]
The Tree of Life in the Bible: its Identity, Enjoyment, Operation, and Ministry

The way God fulfills His purpose of having a corporate man to express Him and represent Him is by His life. As seen in Gen. 1-2 and Rev. 21-22, there are four organic items mentioned, which are the procedure God takes to fulfill His purpose: the tree of life, the river of water of life, […]
The Bible is a Building Manual, and We Can Cooperate with God for His Building

The Bible is a book of God’s building, with the first two chapters in Genesis giving us a blueprint of God’s building and the last two chapters presenting a picture of the finished building, while the rest of the book presents the process of the building. The first two chapters and the last two chapters […]
The Central Thought of God and How God Accomplishes His Purpose by His Life

As we enter into a more crystallized study of the book of Genesis in our Holy Word for Morning Revival, we want to be emptied and unloaded in our spirit so that we may receive a fresh revelation from the Lord, and we want to be pure in heart so that we may see this […]
living a life that fulfills God’s eternal plan – sharing from the conference in Poland
The following is some precious sharing from sister Deborah – what she enjoyed the most in the conference in Poland in November 2010 – Living a life for the fulfillment of God’s eternal plan. This past year the conference in Poland was a really wonderful and precious time for me – especially since I wasn’t […]