Praise the Lord for the North American College Training! It was my first time in the college training and in the USA but it felt like I was at home because of all the saints’ care and love. I was reminded how wonderful Rom. 12:5 is as it says ‘we who are many are one […]
Love Prevails: We Love because He First Loved Us with His Divine Love (2023 NACT)
Build up Christ to Work our Own salvation for the Body of Christ, God’s Masterpiece

We need to be those who build up Christ to work our own salvation for the Body of Christ, God’s poem, His masterpiece! Like Noah, we need to be those who receive the revelation from God, walk with God, do the work that changes the age by building the present Christ as our salvation […]
The Father is the Source, Christ is the True Vine, we are the Branches, and the Spirit is the Reality

John 15 reveals four important matters: the Father as the husbandman (the farmer), the Son as the true vine, the Spirit of reality as the life sap flowing in the vine, and the Body of Christ as the many branches in the vine. John chapters 14-17 show us how we as believers in Christ […]
Let’s pray for the saints to experience and enjoy the fellowship with the saints in attending the Lord’s table—the horizontal aspect

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would experience and enjoy the fellowship with the saints in Christ’s mystical Body and testify of the oneness of His mystical Body, which is the stress in attending the Lord’s table—the horizontal aspect (1 Cor. 10:16-17; Hymns, #221, ss. 3 and chorus). In the bread breaking meeting, […]
The Organic Increase of the Church is the Increase of Christ in His Body as His Bride

The organic increase of the church is the increase of Christ in His organic Body as His bride; He must increase and we must decrease, and this takes place by enjoying Him in His word and by speaking His word who is Spirit and life for the increase of Christ. As believers in Christ, we […]
Hold to Truth in Love and Grow up into Christ in all Things to be Headed up in Christ

In order for us to be headed up in Christ, we need to grow up into Christ in all things; in big and small things, in all our daily life and work, in all things we need to grow up into the Head, Christ. As we read the Bible and meet such a verse as […]
today the church is the depository and the storehouse of the power of resurrection

Ephesians 1:22-23 says, “And He subjected all things under His feet and gave Him to be Head over all things to the church, which is His Body, the fullness of the One who fills all in all.” It is so easy to take these verses for granted, but if we are enlightened by the Lord […]