The stones of the temple signify Christ’s humanity in transformation, the transformed Christ – He’s the One suitable for God’s building! He as the living stone is making us living stones through the inward work of regeneration and outward work of cutting and dealing, just as the stones were cut and dealt with before […]
Living Stones are Worked on Outwardly and Living Inwardly to be Suitable for God’s Building
We need to be Divine and Mystical persons Living in the Divine and Mystical Realm

This week in our morning revival time with the Lord we are approaching the topic of, Becoming divine and mystical persons living in the divine and mystical realm for the building of the divine and mystical temple of God. When it comes to knowing the Lord and experiencing Him, we need to have a heart […]
How the History of the Ark and the Tabernacle Prefigures the History of the Church

What God desires to obtain today is not only the local churches but the reality of the Body of Christ being lived out and expressed in the local churches all over the earth. What God desires is not merely the “tabernacle church life”, that is, the many local churches with many saints who enjoy the […]
God’s Final Recovery is the Testimony of the Reality of the Body of Christ Today

The tabernacle and the temple are the center of the Old Testament and the consummation of the New Testament, and both of these typify the church. First, it was the tabernacle, which was portable, movable, and transient; the tabernacle typifies God’s church on earth – the many local churches which are the expression of the […]
Having an Enlarged Experience of Christ in all His Riches for the Temple Church Life

We need to go on with the Lord from the tabernacle church life to the temple church life, and for this we need to go on from the wilderness to the good land where we have the all-inclusive Christ as our everything for the building up of the solid temple of God. It is good […]