All the genuine believers of Christ who have received Christ in their spirit are members of the Body of Christ, joined together with Christ in an organic union. The Body of Christ is not an organization nor is it a society; it is the organism of the Triune God produced by the mingling of God […]
keeping the oneness of the Body and being made Christ to be the Body of Christ
knowing the Body in practice: the universal church and the local churches

On the one hand, we need to know the Body of Christ in life – Christ is the life of the Body of Christ, and the Body is a mingling of divinity with humanity. When we see that the Christ we have received through regeneration is the life of the Body of Christ, we will […]
knowing the Body by dealing with our flesh, our self, and our individualism

All the believers in Christ are members of the Body of Christ by their spiritual birth in the life of God. But do we know the Body in reality? Is the Body of Christ something real to us in our experience? We may understand the concept of the Body of Christ, and we may mentally […]
being enlightened by the Lord to really see the Body and care for the Body

When it comes to spiritual things, we need to not only mentally know the spiritual principles and the word of God but we need to have a clear spiritual seeing of the spiritual things. Eph. 1:17-18 says, That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit […]
entering into our private room and praying to the Father who is in secret

The Lord Jesus set a good pattern before us – He as the first God-man prayed to the Father much time in secret! Even after He fed the crowds by making a miracle, He went away and went up to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer alone with the […]
not seeking our own glory but God’s glory by spending time privately with Him

One of the most outstanding things concerning the Lord Jesus in His life and ministry on the earth is that He did not seek His own glory but the glory of the Father who sent Him (see John 7:18; 5:41; 12:43). After performing a great miracle like the feeding of the five thousand people with only five […]
learning to reject ourselves and live by the divine life for the Body of Christ

When the Lord Jesus was on the earth, He did not do anything from Himself (see John 5:19) or for Himself – He did everything as He saw the Father doing, and whatever the Father said, that’s what the Son also said. The Lord Jesus as the God-man could have lived His own life by […]