In the Old Testament God moved with men and among men to prepare His direct move in man in His new creation for His economy; today God is moving in man in a direct way to fulfil His economy. This week in our morning revival we come to a further and most wonderful crystal in […]
God’s move among and with man was to prepare His direct move in man: God’s move is in man
Living According to the Principle of the Tree of Life, the Principle of Dependence

It is good to be brought back to God’s original intention, what He desired to do and achieve from the very beginning: He wants to dispense Himself into us as life to be our life, life-supply, and everything, so that we may express Him corporately (see Gen. 2:9; 1:26). God’s intention is the same throughout […]
Eating the Tree of Life should be the Primary Matter in the Church Life Today

The New Jerusalem as the consummation of God’s work throughout the ages can be our enjoyment and experience today in our Christian life. Today we can enthrone the Lord in the center of our being and thus experience the throne of God and of the Lamb in the center of New Jerusalem. When the Lord […]
God presents Himself to man as the tree of life – God in Christ is good for us to eat and enjoy!
In Genesis chapter 2 we see a tree in the middle of the garden called, The Tree Of Life, in front of which man was placed. When God created man in His image and with His likeness, He intended that man would express Him and represent Him (Gen. 1:26) – and the way for man […]