As believers in Christ, we must deal with our heart in the light of the Lord’s presence so that the divine seed of life may grow in us unto maturity, for our heart – our acting agent, our chief representative – is the switch of life, the entrance and exit of life in and […]
We must Deal with our Heart in the Lord’s Light for Christ to Grow in us unto Maturity
Enjoying the Triune God as the Law of the Spirit of Life and Living in Resurrection

We stay on the way of life by enjoying the Triune God as the law of the Spirit of life with its divine capacity and by living in resurrection, in the reality of the church as the Body of Christ, signified by the golden lampstand as the tree of resurrection life. Amen, we as […]
Contact the Lord and Grow in Life for the Law of Life to Conform us to Christ’s Image

The law of the Spirit of life works automatically, spontaneously, and effortlessly in us as we contact the Lord; this law of life regulates our inner being, it imparts the divine element into every part and shapes us in the image of Christ to be conformed to the image of the Firstborn Son of God. […]
The Inner Law of Life Imparts the Divine Life into us and makes us Functioning Members

Christ Himself is the new covenant, the new testament, of life given to us by God; according to this covenant, God writes His laws on our heart, He gives us Christ as the reality of all His riches, and the inner law of life works out in us all that God has promised and has […]
Switch on the Law of the Spirit of Life and be in the Lord’s Constant and Instant Word

We abide in Christ and Christ abides in us by switching on the law of the Spirit of life in our spirit by always rejoicing, unceasingly praying, and always giving thanks; also, it is by dealing with the constant word in the Scriptures and the present word as the Spirit. This whole week we saw […]
Exercising our Spirit to Switch on the Law of Life and Enjoy Christ as the Jubilee

When we were born again, the Spirit came into our spirit, and the law of the Spirit of life started to operate in us; we can cooperate with the inner law of the Spirit of life by exercising our spirit to switch on this law so that we can enjoy Christ as the freedom and […]
The Law of the Spirit of Life in our Spirit Spontaneously Delivers us from the Law of Sin

In Rom. 8 Paul made a great discovery: he discovered that the law of the Spirit of life (the automatic principle and spontaneous power of the divine life) is stronger than the law of sin and of death, and when we activate this law, we are free from the power of sin! Hallelujah! God passed […]