Our God is a God of blessing and we can receive God’s blessing; He wants to bless His people, and when His people become His kingdom as a sphere of God’s authority, He blesses us. After Moses put before the children of Israel the laws, statutes, ordinances, and judgements by respeaking the law in Deuteronomy, […]
We need to Express God and Represent Him to be His Kingdom to Receive God’s Blessing
The Issue of our Enjoyment of Christ is the Church as the Dwelling Place and City of God

The issue of our enjoyment of the all-inclusive riches of Christ as the good land is the church as the dwelling place of God (the reality of the temple) and as the kingdom of God (the reality of the city). Our enjoyment of Christ has to increase, expand, and be enlarged, so that we may […]
Being those who Properly Represent God with His Authority as Ambassadors of Christ

In the book of Numbers we see that the one who has been appointed by God to be a deputy authority must be a proper representative of God; we need to see the characteristics of those who properly represent God with His authority to His people. This week we have been looking at the book […]
Authority and Rebellion: we need to Submit to God’s Authority and Reject Rebellion

The unique controversy between God and Satan concerns authority and rebellion; rebellion is the denial of God’s authority and the rejection of God’s rule, so we as believers should submit to God’s authority and uphold it, and we should assert that authority is with God. There are two great principles in the universe – God’s […]
We Submit to God’s Authority when we Submit to the Delegated Authority He set over us

In this universe only God is the supreme authority, and all other authorities are delegated authorities, deputy authorities, authorities appointed by God; when we submit to and obey the deputy authority, we obey and submit to God. God is the supreme authority; He has all authority, and He gives authority to particular persons in a […]
A Nazarite has a Submissive Spirit and is Absolutely Subject to the Lord’s Headship

Being a Nazarite means that we do not reject but are absolutely subject under the Lord’s headship as well as to all the deputy authorities appointed by God, as indicated by a Nazarite not shaving his head but letting his hair grow long. The first thing related to a Nazarite was that he had to […]
The Church is Heavenly: the Nature of the Church is to Submit to God’s Authority

The nature of the church is heavenly, and the main significance of this is that the church is under Christ’s authority, submitting to no other person but Christ and His authority alone. It is vitally necessary for us as believers in Christ to know the nature of the church. According to the New Testament, the […]