In His second coming, the victorious Christ will come as the fighting General with His army to fight Antichrist, the kings under him, and their armies at Armageddon, and He is the Word of God to defeat and utterly destroy the enemy. Hallelujah for our victorious Christ! He has individually won the victory over Satan […]
Christ, the Fighting General, is the Word of God, and His Fighting is His Speaking
In His Ascension the Victorious Christ Led Captives as Sons of God in the Heavenlies

In His ascension the victorious Christ led captive those taken captive, and He led a train of captives to the height. This is very wonderful yet so mysterious. Christ fought the spiritual warfare since His incarnation through His human living, His death, and His resurrection, and now even in His ascension He still fights the […]
The Purpose of Spiritual Warfare is to Bring in the Kingdom of God on the Earth

Because Satan and his kingdom is against God and His purpose, there is a need for spiritual warfare in this universe; the purpose of spiritual warfare is to bring in the kingdom of God. Throughout the ages since the creation of Adam there has been a spiritual struggle between the kingdom of God and the […]
The Spiritual Warfare of the Church as the New Man: God wants us to Exercise His Dominion

Our God wants us to exercise His dominion on earth by participating in the spiritual warfare of the church as the one new man. God’s intention in His creation of man is for man to express Him and represent Him; He wants man in particular to represent God by having dominion over all things and […]
We Keep the Oneness of the Spirit by Allowing the Uniting Spirit to Cross us and Bind us

Because Christ is our peace, we in the Body life need to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond of peace by cooperating with the uniting Spirit to cross us and bind us. In this world today where everyone boasts of their differences and place much emphasize on their background, education, culture, […]
We need the Humanity of Jesus for the Spiritual Warfare and for the Kingdom of God

What we need today is not more divine power or authority – we need the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery, for the spiritual warfare, and for the kingdom of God. As we partake of Christ as the meal offering, we may possess the humanity of Jesus for the Lord’s recovery, for the spiritual […]
The Expiation Silver: we Fight one with Christ and in the Ascended Christ in Victory

It is very enlightening to see the spiritual relationship between the incense altar (where we pray one with the interceding Christ for God’s move and His interest on earth) and the expiation silver (which is offered by those who are matured in life and strong in spirit to be formed as an army). At the […]