We need to realize that Satan and his evil powers work to frustrate the people on earth from contacting God and receiving Christ, and the evil forces are veiling the all-inclusiveness of Christ from God’s people; we need to fight the spiritual warfare one with the Lord and in the Body to enjoy the […]
Fight against the Evil Forces who are Veiling the All-inclusiveness of Christ from us
Being the Bride of Christ as a Warrior and having the Lord’s Joy as our Strength

On one hand, the church as the bride of Christ is beautiful, holy, and glorious for God’s satisfaction; on the other hand, the church as the bride must be a warrior to defeat God’s enemy, and for this, we need to pray-read the Word of God to be equipped with the sword of the […]
Have a Total Consecration, Overcome the World, and Stand on God’s Word in Spiritual War

We can overcome and change the age by paying the price to forsake the world, learning to fellowship with God on the altar of total consecration, and standing on God’s word to defeat the enemy by fighting the battle in the Body. Amen! The four journeys that Elijah and Elisha took before Elijah was […]
Learn to Pray the Prayer of Authority by Standing in Ascension in Oneness with the Lord

We need to learn to pray the most spiritual and crucial prayer, the prayer of authority, the commanding prayer, the prayer of binding and loosing on earth what has been bound and loosed in heaven. Yes, on the one hand, we need to pray for our needs and even pray for God’s need, praying […]
We Exalt Christ and Praise the Lord, for Spiritual Victory Depends on our Praising!

Praise the Lord, we are learning to exalt Christ, give Him the preeminence, and praise the Lord, for our realization is that spiritual victory depends not on warfare but on our praises! We need to know the vital factors that enabled the people of Israel to be victorious in their first warfare, realizing that they […]
Let us pray for the saints to learn to turn people from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would learn to preach the gospel as the apostle Paul did, turning people from darkness to light and from the authority of Satan to God that they might be transferred into the kingdom of God (Acts 26:18; Col. 1:12-13). Since warfare exists between the kingdoms of God […]
Let us pray for the saints to realize that the preaching of the gospel is a warfare

Dear saints, let us pray that the saints would realize that the preaching of the gospel, which delivers men out of the power and kingdom of Satan, is a spiritual warfare (Josh. 6:1-5; Acts 26:18; 2 Tim. 2:3). First, we need to see that toward Satan the preaching of the gospel is a spiritual battle…If […]