We need to remain in an atmosphere of prayer by continually exercising our spirit so that we may live Christ; as we are ruled by the peace of Christ and inhabited by the word of Christ through persevering in prayer, we become the new man in reality and have the living of the new man. […]
As we Remain in an Atmosphere of Prayer daily we become the New Man in Reality
The Degree of our Enjoyment of Christ as our Peace Offering depends on our Condition

Christ as our peace offering is strong and rich for our enjoyment, but in our experience our enjoyment of Christ as our peace offering depends on our condition and situation before God. The peace offering could be of different animals from the herd or from the flock (different size) and it could be male or […]
Loving the Lord and being Washed by His Living Word to be the Counterpart of Christ

This week we are enjoying one of the most wonderful statuses of the church – the church as the counterpart of Christ, the bride of Christ; the work in the Lord’s recovery is His genuine work to prepare His bride. A counterpart is one that closely resembles another; it is one that has the same […]
We need to Draw Near to God to be the Priests and Kings Ministering to Him Today

The more we draw near to God to be closer to Him as priests and kings to God, the more important we are to Him, and the more He can fulfil His purpose through us. The picture portrayed by the allotment of the land in Ezek. 48:1-35 shows that, in the restoration from Dan in […]
The Work of the Holy Spirit can be Revealed at the Time of Ministering to the Lord

The unique principle for the work in the New Testament is that the work of the Holy Spirit can be revealed only at the time of ministering to the Lord. We see this in Acts 13:1-2, where there were some brothers in the church in Antioch who were ministering to the Lord and fasting, and […]
Ministering to the Lord not by Human Effort or Sweat but in God’s Rest and Blessing

According to Ezek. 44:17-18, those who minister to the Lord should not wear woolen but linen garments, so that they would not sweat; this means that as we serve the Lord we should do a work with no sweat, no human effort, a work under God’s blessing. We want to be those who minister to […]
Ministering to the Lord by Drawing Near to Him and Spending Time with Him in Prayer

The Lord desires us to minister to Him by drawing near to Him, spend time before the Lord and pray more, and wait for His will to be revealed to us and infused into us, so that we may minister not only to His house but to the Lord Himself. In Ezek. 44 the Lord […]