Understanding the Times and being Vitalized to be persons Praying Age-Turning Prayers

The way for us today to become vitalized is to answer the Lord’s call to be an overcomer, for an overcomer is a vital person, a praying person. Also, as today’s overcomers, we need to be men who understand the times so that we may know what to do; we need to grasp the opportunity […]

How we can Cooperate with God to Preserve our Soul and our Body in Sanctification

We need to cooperate with God to preserve our soul in sanctification by clearing the main arteries of our psychological heart, and we need to preserve our body in sanctification by presenting it to Him to live a holy life for the church life. God’s will for us is our sanctification, that we may live […]

Being the Stewards who are Able to Complete the Word of God and Dispense God into Man

Paul’s stewardship was to complete the word of God in order to dispense Christ with all His riches into the churches; today there’s still the need for stewards who are able to complete the word of God. On one hand Paul the Apostle completed the word of God, and he in particular had a portion […]

Paying the Price to Buy the Spirit as the Oil in our Vessel by the Word and Prayer

Every day we need to be watchful by paying the price to buy the Spirit as the golden oil so that we may supply the churches with the Spirit for the testimony of Jesus and be rewarded by the Lord to participate in the marriage dinner of the Lamb. Our urgent need today is to […]

Learning from the Lord Jesus to spend Time in Secret with God Privately to Pray

We all need to learn from the Lord Jesus to spend time in secret with God privately to pray. This week in our deeper study of the matter of the development of the kingdom of God in our Christian life and church life we come to the topic of, Living the Kingdom Life by Living […]

We need to Realise that our Priestly Service is in the Nature of Spiritual Warfare

Our service as priests is in the nature of a warfare, for we are a priestly army and whenever we do any service for God, it is in the nature of spiritual warfare; all our priestly service is a spiritual fight. We should not be, however, warfare-focused but rather, as we clearly see in picture […]

When we daily Walk According to the Spirit, we Live the Triune God for the Body Life

As believers in Christ, we need to live Christ by walking according to the spirit; the more we walk according to the spirit, the more the Triune God will live in us so that we live the Triune God for the Body life. This is the goal of the Lord’s recovery – to recover Christ, […]