Following is my sharing about NACT 2023 – Love Prevails & Holding to Truth. Just too enjoyable the college training! Love prevails & holding to truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT Two parallel lines: Love and Truth Love = God; Truth = God; Love = God = Truth Love Importance of love: It is […]
Love Prevails & Holding to Truth – Enjoyment from the 2023 NACT
Enjoy the All-inclusive Christ Typified in the Old Testament by Pray-reading the Word

The all-inclusive, extensive Christ is the reality of all the positive things in the universe; everything that is positive is a type of Christ; we need especially to enjoy the all-inclusive Christ typified in the Old Testament. In Rom. 1:20 Paul tells us that the invisible things of God, both the eternal power and His […]
The All-Inclusive Christ has been Allotted to us: be Rooted in Him and Walk in Him!

Christ as the reality of the good land has been allotted to all the saints as their portion for their enjoyment; we have been rooted and grounded in Him, and now we need to walk according to the Spirit to enjoy the good land. This week we come to the matter of, The All-inclusive Christ […]
Learning to be Renewed in the Spirit of the Mind for Christ to Increase in Us

The practical way for us to experience Christ increasing in us and we decreasing is by having a renewed mind and a submissive will; the more we’re renewed in the spirit of the mind and subdued in our will, the more Christ will grow in us and we will decrease. This is our need today. No […]
we are being made one in the reality of the Father’s sanctifying word

In the Lord’s prayer in John 17 we see that there are three levels of oneness, or three increasingly important ways for us as believers in Christ to be one. Firstly, we are one in the Father’s name and by the Father’s divine life (John 17:6-13). Secondly, we are one in the reality of the […]
praise the Lord, we young people are engaged to the Lord! We love You, Lord!(Poland camp 2011)
Thank You Lord for giving me the chance to experience my first ever Poland YP Conference this year! Saints, in this camp I have experienced something that I have never did before! It was an eye opening conference that I will always remember. All the messages were very touching and meaningful but I was really […]
Taking the way of LIFE and TRAINING in serving the Lord and serving the young people
In order for us to serve the Lord in taking care of the young generation in a proper way, we need both LIFE and TRAINING. There are always these two extremes: some emphasize LIFE (saying that our service should be in life, we don’t need to “coordinate” or plan things – let life take the […]