Many believers, when they read verses such as, “that you all speak the same thing…but that you be attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion” (1 Cor. 1:10) or “that with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 15:6) think that […]
Speaking the Same Thing with One Mouth in One Accord as the One New Man Today
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, love the Lord, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: 2016 Memorial Conference, Christ is all and in all, holy word for morning revival, speaking the same thing, take Christ as our person, the one accord, the one new man, with one mouth
Taking Christ as our Person to Speak the Same Thing with One Mouth for the New Man
The most striking and evident part of a person is his speaking – through his speaking he expresses himself and he releases what is inside of him. For the church as the one new man, we all believers in Christ need to take Christ as our person especially in the matter of speaking. Out of […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, expounding the truth, His heart's desire, longings, morning revival, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the Christian Life, the church life, the Lord's recovery, the Word of God Tagged With: arriving at a full-grown man, Christ becomes our person, holy word for morning revival, no freedom of speech, one new man, speaking the same thing, speaking with one mouth, take Christ as our person
With one mouth we are speaking the same thing as the one new man on the earth today
There are some verses in the New Testament that puzzle or at least trouble most of us when we read them – verses that talk about “speaking the same thing”, “having the same mind”, “being attuned in the same mind and the same opinion”, “speaking with one mouth”, etc. Especially in the age we live […]
Filed Under: Christ lives in me, Enjoying Christ, experiencing Christ, God's economy, His heart's desire, love the Lord, our birthright, the Body of Christ, the church life, the Lord's recovery Tagged With: being attuned in the same mind, Christ as the Person, Christ is expressed, Christ is our life, Christ is our person, Christ is speaking, having the same mind, not being different, not standing out of the crowd, one new man, speaking the same thing, speaking with one mouth, take Christ as our life, take Christ as our person, the Lord's recovery, the organic union, we are the one new man, we don't speak from ourselves, who is the person speaking?, with one mouth