As believers in Christ who have seen something of God’s economy and His interest on the earth, we are fighting the good fight for the truth by honouring God’s truth, taking the way of the truth, upholding the absoluteness of the truth, and not compromising the truth in any way. Amen! This week we have […]
Fighting the Good Fight for the Truth: Know, Honor, Uphold, and Speak the Truth
We Uphold the Truth by Learning the Truth, Experiencing the Truth, and Speaking the Truth

We uphold the truth by learning the truth, experiencing the truth, and speaking the truth. All the saints need to uphold the truth, for the entire church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth; we all need to know the truth, experience the truth, and speak the truth. For this to […]
The Church is the Supporting Pillar and Holding Base of the Truth, the Divine Reality

The church is the supporting pillar and the holding base of the truth; the church upholds the truth and is the pillar and base of the truth. This week in our morning revival we come to the matter of, Upholding the Truth and Testifying to the Truth that the Church is the Pillar and Base […]
Being one with the Lord to Learn, Apply, Speak, and Propagate the Truth, the High Gospel

For the consummation of the divine economy, we need to be one with the Lord to propagate the truth; we need to be one with the Lord in learning the truth, applying the truth, speaking the truth, and propagating the truth. Amen! For this to take place, we need to pay the price to come […]
Pay the Price to Learn the Truths and Experience Christ to Speak the Truth and Minister Life

We need to pay the price to learn the truths and experience Christ so that He may become our reality; in this way, when we speak to people, we don’t give them mere knowledge or doctrine but we minister Christ to them. May the Lord save us from not receiving the love of the truth […]
The Lord’s Recovery is the Recovery of the Divine Truths as Revealed in the Word of God

The Lord’s recovery is the recovery of the divine truths revealed in the Word of God so that all believers may know the truth, be constituted with truth, be absolute for the truth, uphold the truth, and testify to the truth in the present age of the world. Amen! This week we come to a […]
we are commissioned to preach the high gospel, the entire truth revealed in the Word of God
No matter how modern, cool, or amazing things people have or invent – the advance of the technology and entertainment in the world today has not filled the emptiness within man; rather, it has enlarged it, since they try to be filled and happy with so many things when only One Thing satisfies – God Himself! Only the high truths in the Lord’s recovery can match the need of today’s hunger in the world – people are fed up with the low feel-good gospel in the Christianity.