For the consummation of the divine economy, we need to be one with the Lord to propagate the truth; we need to be one with the Lord in learning the truth, applying the truth, speaking the truth, and propagating the truth. Amen! For this to take place, we need to pay the price to come […]
Being one with the Lord to Learn, Apply, Speak, and Propagate the Truth, the High Gospel
Let us Pray for the Saints to See that the Word Grows and Multiplies, so we Go Forth to Preach the Word

Amen, let us pray that the saints would see from Acts that it is the word that grows and the word that multiplies and would go forth to preach the word as the high gospel to people (Acts 6:7 and note 71; 12:24; 19:20; 8:4; cf. Mark 4:14). We pray for this in one accord […]
Spreading the Truths of the Lord’s Recovery is a Preparation for the Lord’s Return

As believers in Christ we are those who serve God first by knowing the age, then by realizing the way Christ fulfills His economy, by seeing the world situation as the indicator of the Lord’s move, and by spreading the truths of the Lord’s recovery for His coming back. We need to serve God in […]
Paul’s gospel is a gospel of sonship – God’s intention is to bring many sons into glory
Saints, it is enough! We should no longer preach the poor gospel telling people that “God doesn’t want them to go to hell but to go to heaven if they believe in Jesus”! We need to preach the gospel by speaking the truth revealed in the gospel of God in Romans! Tell people that once they believe in the Lord, their sins will be forgiven and they will be redeemed and justified by God, reconciled to God, and accepted by God! Let us speak the high and complete gospel! [continue reading this portion online + add your own comment / portion]
the real gospel preaching is the speaking of the truth (see: blood and water, the double cure!)
Our daily and continual constitution with the truth and learning the truth by reading the Bible, enjoying the footnotes, reading the life-studies and the ministry books, etc will put a rich deposit of the divine truths into our being. Then, when we open our mouth to speak, we will tell others concerning the Triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – who is dispensing Himself into us – sinful, tripartite men – so that our sins may be forgiven and that we may receive God’s life and become sons of God who are being transformed to be the same as Christ is! Praise the Lord! [continue reading this portion online]
we are commissioned to preach the high gospel, the entire truth revealed in the Word of God
No matter how modern, cool, or amazing things people have or invent – the advance of the technology and entertainment in the world today has not filled the emptiness within man; rather, it has enlarged it, since they try to be filled and happy with so many things when only One Thing satisfies – God Himself! Only the high truths in the Lord’s recovery can match the need of today’s hunger in the world – people are fed up with the low feel-good gospel in the Christianity.
The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery: Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel (ITERO 2011)
Praise the Lord for the recent ITERO in Holland! The main topic of the fall International Training for Elders and Responsible Ones, held in Baarloo, Holland, is, The Four Great Pillars in the Lord’s Recovery. These four great pillars are Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel. There is a book with the same name published by Living Stream Ministry (The Truth, Life, the Church, and the Gospel, Four Great Pillars in The Lord’s Recovery). This portion here is just a short enjoyment from this message, and is an attempt to bring more saints in the fellowship and collective enjoyment of the Lord’s up-to-date speaking.