In our care for the saints and fellowship with one another, we need to be restricted in our speaking, not speaking reviling words but rather, loving the saints and covering them, for we want to cooperate with Christ’s shepherding to consummate the New Jerusalem! The Lord in His heavenly ministry is shepherding us by ministering […]
Cooperate with Christ’s Shepherding to be Today’s Overcomers Consummating the New Jerusalem
The Church as the Kingdom of God is a Realm of Grace, of Shepherding, and of Glory

In Exodus 18 we have a portrait of the kingdom of God; right after Amalek is dealt with and the people of Israel obtain the victory over their enemy Amalek, there’s order and peace in the people of Israel under God and His deputy authority. If we look in the New Testament of what the […]
Jesus washed His disciples’ feet – so cherishing!(sharing from the college-age conference)
Praise the Lord for such a wonderful conference. Never have I seen Life and Building revealed so clearly in the Gospel of John before! I really enjoyed message six related to, The Issue of life Processed through Death and Resurrection a Divine-Human Incorporation (John 14-16). I was really touched by the Lord’s compassion and love shown […]
testimony from the full time training in London – the bountiful supply of the Spirit and the supply of the Body!
It is indeed NOT A WASTE to give yourself to the Lord for at least these two years to be trained! The Full-Time Training will definitely help you enjoy the Lord, turn to Him, and be dependent on the Lord and the Body. It is a privilege untold and a worthy sacrifice to waste ourselves […]
sharing from the winter school of truth – the Triune God and the Person and the Work of Christ
In the Winter School of Truth there are both young people and some “serving ones”, some saints that willingly give themselves to serve and help with the younger ones. In the messages and the group times, we all participate in the enjoyment of the rich messages / rich speaking, and so we all enjoy and […]