This week we are exploring the deeper meaning and implication of the expression, “shepherding according to God” in 1 Pet. 5:2. The Lord Jesus as the good Shepherd took good care of His sheep when He was on earth, and now in His heavenly ministry He still cares for us, His flock, by interceding for […]
Shepherding According to God by being One with God to Shepherd According what He is
Being One with Christ in His Heavenly Ministry to Shepherd God’s Flock, the Church

In the previous articles, we have seen what it means to shepherd according to God by taking a closer look at the pattern of the Lord Jesus and the pattern of the Apostle Paul. A pattern gives us a way practically how to do a certain thing, and the Lord Jesus lived out a God-man […]
Love is the Most Excellent Way to Be and Do anything for the Building up of the Body

The Lord Jesus as the Good Shepherd is today being reproduced and multiplied in us all as His sheep, His believers, by our cooperation with Him through the exercise of our spirit to be one with the Lord as the inward organic shepherd. Once it was only ONE Good Shepherd, but this One has become […]
Shepherding the Saints according to God by Following the Pattern of the Apostle Paul

The Lord Jesus as the great, chief and Good Shepherd is now the pneumatic Shepherd in our spirit as the life-giving Spirit, and He is both shepherding us and shepherding others through us. When we read the Gospels we see how the Lord was with those around Him, and when we read church history and […]
Loving the Lord and Being One with Him to Shepherd His Sheep for the Church, His Body

The Lord Jesus is the good Shepherd, and we all are His sheep; He takes good care of us both inwardly and outwardly, both spiritually and psychologically and physically. How we love our good Shepherd, and how we enjoy His tender all-inclusive care! If we read the gospels we see how He shepherded and cared […]
Christ came not to Judge Sinners but to Save them and Shepherd them for His Body

How we love our dear Lord Jesus, the good Shepherd who came not to judge or condemn sinners but to heal them, recover them, enliven them, and save them so that they would be His new and heavenly citizens for the kingdom of God! The Lord Jesus as the God-man was the only One who […]
Following the Steps of the Triune God in Seeking, Gaining, and Shepherding People

As those who believe into Christ and received Him as our life, we are God-men, and our living is no longer a living in the flesh or in the natural man but in the spirit so that Christ would live in us and be magnified in us. Seeing the vision of God’s economy and having […]