Those who shepherd the flock of God should shepherd according to God; to shepherd according to God is to become the same as God, to be one with God, and do all things in God and according to God. On one hand, we need to enjoy the Lord’s shepherding ourselves, personally, for He is […]
We need to Live God, Become God, and be One with God to Shepherd according to God
Ministering Life by Shepherding others according to God (Cherishing and Nourishing)
![...Jesus said to Simon Peter, Simon, [son] of John, do you love Me more than these? He said to Him, Yes, Lord, You know that I love You. He said to him, Feed My lambs. John 21:15](
To live by faith, following in the steps of Abraham’s faith, we need to fight for the brother by interceding for them and ministering life to them; we minister life to others by shepherding others according to God, by cherishing and nourishing them. We need to realize that we are sons of Abraham, his […]
Participating in Christ’s Wonderful Shepherding to have a Genuine Revival among us

Praise the Lord, we can participate in Christ’s wonderful shepherding so that we may enter into a genuine revival! We all as believers in Christ need to enter into the burden of shepherding people according to God, following the pattern of the apostle Paul, so that we may bring in a new revival that will […]
Love Covers all Transgressions and Mistakes but Uncovering others brings in a Curse

Love covers all transgressions; for us to cover others and their mistakes and transgressions, this is love, but uncovering others brings in a curse. In order for us to live a godly life, a life that expresses God, we need to know who our God is. Our God is love; He is love itself. Love […]
Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s Heart Searching for His Sheep to Recover them

In the book of Jeremiah we see how Jehovah spoke concerning the shepherds, the rulers in Israel, mainly exposing their work of scattering the flock and promising to give shepherds according to His own heart; Christ is the Shepherd according to God’s heart. This week in our crystallization study of the books of Jeremiah and […]
Being willing to be Spent on behalf of the Saints and Exhort them to Walk Worthily of God

The apostles didn’t impart only the gospel of God to the Thessalonians – they also imparted their own souls; they were not just like a cherishing and nourishing mother but also like an exhorting father for the, so that they would walk worthily of God and be able to enter into the kingdom of God. […]
How our Manner of Life plays a Great Role in Shepherding Others According to God

In learning to cooperate with Christ in His heavenly ministry of shepherding others, we need to realize that our entrance toward the believers, our manner of life, and our being plays a great role in infusing the gospel into others and caring for them. The best way to cherish and nourish others according to God […]