In order for us to shepherd according to God, we need to live a shepherding life, being constituted with Christ so that our heart may be enlarged, we would live an all-fitting life, and we would cherish and nourish the flock of God with the Father’s love and the Son’s seeking spirit. The Lord […]
Being Constituted with Christ to Live a Shepherding Life with an Enlarged Heart
We need to Live God, Become God, and be One with God to Shepherd according to God

Those who shepherd the flock of God should shepherd according to God; to shepherd according to God is to become the same as God, to be one with God, and do all things in God and according to God. On one hand, we need to enjoy the Lord’s shepherding ourselves, personally, for He is […]
We Shepherd others by Teaching them in Love the Healthy Teaching of God’s Economy

Shepherding depends on teaching; for us to shepherd others, we need to be filled with the healthy teaching of God’s economy and teach others in a loving and caring way. In the church life, we are learning from the Lord Jesus, the Chief Shepherd, to shepherd one another. To shepherd is to render all-inclusive, […]
Shepherd the Believers for their Growth in Life unto the Building up of the Body

The Lord Jesus is our Good Shepherd, and He is the Chief Shepherd; He shepherded us when He was on earth, He is shepherding us in His heavenly ministry, and today we can cooperate with Him to shepherd the believers for them to grow in life unto maturity for the building up of the […]
Shepherd People according to the Pattern of the Lord Jesus to Carry out God’s Economy

In order to make ourselves ready for the Lord’s coming, we need to participate in Christ’s heavenly ministry to feed His lambs and shepherd His sheep in order to take care of God’s flock, the church as the Body of Christ; we need to shepherd people according to the Lord’s pattern. May we be […]
May we Humble Ourselves and Live before God to Continue in the Way of Philadelphia

The characteristic of the overcomers in Philadelphia is their brotherly love, for they have little power but keep the Lord’s word, do not deny His name, and love prevails among them so that they shepherd people according to God; we need to humble ourselves before God and love Him to the uttermost, not looking […]
We need to have the Intimate Concern of a Ministering Life in Shepherding the Saints

Shepherding is the bridge between Christ’s first coming and second coming, and we can participate in Christ’s wonderful shepherding by having the intimate concern of a ministering life, the intimate concern for the saints to shepherd them in love. Amen! May the Lord save us from discriminating among the saints, the new ones, or […]