The Lord’s recovery brings us back to the unique ministry of the New Testament; this ministry has many wonderful characteristics, and the issue of being under such a ministry is that we are betrothed to the Lord Jesus, we are for the building up of the Body, we are sanctified, we function in our measure, […]
Characteristics of the Unique Ministry of the New Testament, the Ministry of the Age
Being Saved in Life to Reign in Life by being under the Ruling of the Divine Life

In His complete salvation, God wants for us to reign in life by the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness (Rom. 5:17, 21); He doesn’t merely want to save us and bring us into heaven, but for us to reign in life by being under the rule of the divine life daily. […]
The Divine Life Flowing in the Divine Nature is our Unique Way in our Daily Life

God is life, and eternal life is God Himself. Apart from God, there is no life, and all life depends on God. However, many times we think that when someone is pious, devoted, has a good behaviour, is moral and ethical, has a gift, is powerful, knows the Bible, is full of activities and zealous […]
Image and Dominion in Romans: We’re Conformed to Christ’s Image and we Reign in Life

God created man in His image and according to His likeness so that man would express Him with His image and represent Him with His dominion over all the earth. In Genesis we see how Adam failed to express and represent God, but in the New Testament the Lord Jesus as the second man came […]
the blood of Christ is for our redemption and His flesh/His life is for our life supply!
In the Old Testament we have the type of the people of Israel being delivered out of Egypt (Exo. 12) – before God delivered them, they received specific instructions regarding how to prepare the Passover lamb. They had to kill the lamb and put the blood on the door posts and then they had to […]
the complete gospel of God as revealed in the book of Romans, God’s full salvation
The book of Romans is many times called “The Gospel of God”, since it presents the full gospel according to Paul. Here we see not just the fact that we are sinners in need of God’s redemption, but also that after being regenerated we are much more saved in His life, we are being daily […]
what price are you willing to pay in order to get the unsearchable riches of Christ?
The word I heard this past weekend was hard, heartbreaking, but it was exactly what I needed. Thank You, Lord, for Your perfect care for us. The conference this weekend in Leiden was on Being Saved in Life by Reigning in Life for the Body Life. The last messages was on Joseph’s reigning in life […]