Christ is the High Priest according to the order of Aaron to remove sin, a kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek to minister God into us, and a divine High Priest to save us to the uttermost. God’s original intention is that He would dispense Himself as life and everything into the […]
Christ in His Heavenly Ministry is the Divine High Priest Saving us to His Perfection
The Result of our Justification is the Full Enjoyment of God in Christ as Life

As believers in Christ we need to have a definite understanding of the structure of the gospel of God so that we would have a firm grasp of what the gospel is and we would be filled with boldness to come forward to enjoy God’s salvation and speak to others concerning this wonderful gospel. The […]
Having Our Heart Enlarged to Work Together with God by an All-Fitting Life

In 2 Corinthians we see the ministers of the new covenant, their ministry, and how it is produced. We see that all believers in Christ are the ambassadors of God with the ministry of reconciliation, helping others to be reconciled to God further (see 2 Cor. 5). In chapter 6 we see that we are […]
The purpose of God’s move in His incarnation – to bring God into man and mingle God with man!
Though we all may know that God became man in the person of Christ Jesus, do we all know what is the purpose of God’s incarnation? Why did God move out of eternity into time, and why did God come into man? This morning I had a fresh appreciation of some of the main points […]