Today the Lord needs a recovery of truth and life because Christianity is filled with apostasy. Just like Jeroboam did in his time, so today in Christianity there are “centres of worship” set up by today’s “Jeroboams” because of their ambition and selfishness. The Lord desires to have the universal priesthood of His people, […]
The Lord needs a Recovery of Truth and Life because Christianity is Filled with Apostasy
Being Saved from Apostasy, from Doing things for the Self under the Cloak of Worshipping God

One of the most striking things in 1 and 2 Kings is the sins of Jeroboam, or the apostasy of Jeroboam, which can be considered a type of today’s Christianity; we need to be saved from any kind of apostasy, anything that causes us to leave the way of God and do things for […]
Beware of Setting up a Divisive Center of Worship after being Successful in Gaining Christ

The story of the apostasy of Dan in Judg. 17-18 is a warning to us all today, for it is common in Christianity for someone to set up a different center of worship under the guise of the worship of God, therefore not abiding by God’s ordination concerning the unique place of worship to God. […]
We need to Beware of Apostasy and Remain on the Way of the Lord in the Church Life

We need to beware of apostasy, which means to leave the way of God and to take another way to follow things other than God, and to do things for the self under the name of Jesus Christ and under the cloak of worshipping God. When we as God’s people forsake God as our King, […]
Being Warned and Saved from the Apostasy of Dan by Repentance, Fellowship, and Blending

In the zenith of his life, Jacob prophesied with blessing over each of his sons; his prophecies can and should be applied not only to the twelve tribes of Israel but to the church and to our Christian experience today. Whether negative or positive, whether warnings or blessings, Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning his sons […]