In order for the one new man to come into full existence, we all must experience a thorough renewal of our mind, which has been built up according to our nationality and culture. The biggest hindrance in the way of the practical existence of the new man is not the outward environment but our natural […]
Having a Thorough Renewal of our Mind to get Rid of our Natural and National Mentality
Being Renewed in the Spirit of our Mind for the Practical Existence of the One New Man

The only possibility of God’s purpose being fulfilled in this age is that we all would be willing to be renewed in the spirit of our mind; this renewal of the mind is for the practical existence of the one new man. What God desires to gain in this age is the one new man; […]
Living a Life of the Highest Standard of Morality as the Reproduction of Christ

As the reality of the meal offering for us to eat and become a reproduction of, Christ lived a life that was the mingling of the divine attributes and the human virtues, a life of the highest standard of morality. He was not just a good, moral, ethical, right, and just person, but He lived […]
Being Saturated with God’s Holy Nature to have a Holy Living as God’s Holy People

In Leviticus God charged His people to have a holy living according to His holy nature; we as believers in Christ are God’s people, and we need to be saturated with God to be as holy as He is holy and thus live a holy life. Just as the people of Israel in the Old […]
We need to Practice the Church Life with the Consciousness of the One New Man

The one new man has been created by Christ on the cross to be the entity that fulfills God’s purpose, and today we need to live the church life with the consciousness of the one new man. We need to realise that our living of the church life in the locality and country where the […]
Taking Christ as our Life and Person so that Christ is All and in All in the New Man

In the new man Christ is all and in all. What does it mean in reality and in our experience for Christ to be all in all in the church as the one new man? We need to ask the Lord to make this real to us, and even to make this our reality in […]
Our Ultimate Responsibility is to be Saturated with Christ to Live Christ for the Body

We need to know this age and the present truth and see a vision of God’s sovereignty, the world’s ultimate situation, and God’s ultimate recovery in order to fulfill our ultimate responsibility in God’s ultimate move by honoring the Lord as the Head and being balanced by the Body to be kept in its unique […]