When Christ died as a man in the flesh on the cross, God condemned sin in the flesh (Rom. 8:3). I’m so full of appreciation and love for the Lord who didn’t give up on us, fallen sinful men. Even though Satan injected his evil nature into us and right now all human beings are […]
Christ Came in the Likeness of the Flesh of Sin and God Condemned Sin in the Flesh
God is Working to Liberate His Creation from Bondage by Heading up All things in Christ

Satan’s goal is to corrupt God’s creation and to cause confusion, and he did so by injecting himself into man at the fall; but God is working to liberate His creation from bondage by heading up all things in Christ. Hallelujah, God is operating to liberate the entire creation from under the slavery of sin […]
practical points: no idol worship, flee fornication, stay away from division, and the exposing of our ambition!
This week I was considering some practical points that some brothers shared with us in the crystallization study of Isaiah(1), some points that are so exposing and yet so true. We need to enjoy the Lord every day and drink Him in as the living water by calling on His name. We also need to have […]
for I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, nothing good dwells! May we keep turning to our spirit!

This week I am so exposed in the time in the morning with the Lord, especially as we’re going through “The Flesh and The Spirit”. Before we were saved, the worst situation would be that the conscience would sometimes bother us, or we realized that we want to do the good and most of the […]