One with God to be Jesus Living Again on Earth today for His Corporate Expression

 Paul, a man of God, was the acting God in comforting the believers, in conducting himself in the simplicity of God, in expressing the jealousy of God, and in being an ambassador of Christ to carry out the ministry of reconciliation; we can also function as the acting God today. The Lord is looking […]

Being God’s Representative on earth, one with God as the Acting God to Execute His will

 In order for Him to carry out what is in His heart, God needs some representatives on earth; like Moses, Samuel, and Paul, Elisha as a man of God behaved as God’s representative, the acting God on earth at his time. He didn’t behave in a presumptuous way, assuming authority and doing things on […]

Touching Christ to be Enlivened and being under the Discipline of the Inner Life

 Elisha performed miracles of divine healing for others but, in the will of God, he himself was not healed by a miracle, this was Paul’s experience also, for he was under the discipline of the inner life rather than under the power of the outward gift. This is quite interesting, for it applies to […]

Christ Gives life to the Dead and Heals us of any Leaven with Himself as the Fine Flour

 Christ came to give life to the dead, recover our right to enjoy Christ, and heal us of any leaven with Himself as the fine flour. Amen! Elisha was a type of Christ in what he did; he did not merely perform miracles but had the ministry of grace resulting in life unto the […]

Elisha was a Type of Christ as a Pleasant Prophet with the Ministry of Grace in life

 Elisha was a type of Christ in His ministry of grace in life, for Christ is the real Elisha as a sweet and pleasant prophet, even a prophet of blessing. Christ is truly the reality of all the positive things, matters, and persons in the Bible, and in particular, He is the reality of […]

Being Channels of Life Ministering the Divine Life and being Aware of the Attack of Death

 If we want to minister life to others, we need to be aware of the attack upon the church by death, the gates of Hades, and we need to be one with the Lord to pray and give life to the saints. We need to not only drink Christ as the water of life […]

Being Identified with the Smitten Christ to Flow out the Divine Life as Living Water

 In order for us to have the outflow of life we need to be one with Christ in His life-releasing death, that is, we need to be identified with the smitten Christ typified by the smitten rock. The Lord Jesus as life is in our spirit, even within the deepest part of our being. […]