Wash others’ Feet: We Humble ourselves and Minister the Spirit, the Word, and Life to them

 As believers in Christ, we need to experience the Lord’s washing by spending time with Him and with the saints who are full of the Spirit, the word, and the divine life; we also need to cooperate with the Lord to wash others’ feet by humbling ourselves and ministering life to them. May the […]

We need the Washing by the Holy Spirit, the Living Word, and the Inner Law of Life

 In our experience, the defilement of the feet that need to be washed by the Lord signifies our separation from God and from one another through contact with the world; through foot-washing, we recover our spiritual freshness and vitality and we recover our fellowship with the Lord and with one another. John 13, a […]

The need for Spiritual Foot-Washing in the Church Life to Maintain the Fellowship

 The Lord Jesus loved us to the uttermost, so He washed our feet; foot-washing in John 13 shouldn’t be taken merely in a physical sense, but even more, in a spiritual sense, for we need the Lord’s spiritual foot-washing day by day as we live in this world. Amen! This week in our morning […]

Being those Reigning in Life by Living under the Rulership of the Spirit as Joseph Did

 In order to reign in life, we need to be under the rulership of the Spirit, as we see with Joseph; the rulership of the Spirit is the reigning aspect of a mature saint, for it is a life of reigning in life for the reality of God’s kingdom. Amen! There are many aspects […]

Being under the Ruling of the Divine Life and the Governing of God’s Word to Reign in Life

 In our experience, to reign in life means to be under the ruling of the divine life, the ruling and limitation of the divine life; this means that we need to be instructed and governed by the word of God through the exercise of our spirit. We need to be those who reign in […]

We’re Regenerated with a Divine and Royal Life to Reign in Life as the Lord’s Overcomers

 In order for us as believers in Christ to reign in life to be the Lord’s overcomers, we need to see that we have been regenerated with God’s life, which is a divine, spiritual, heavenly, kingly, and royal life; the kingdom seed was sown into us to grow and develop until it reaches the […]

What a Privilege it is to Experience and Enjoy the Genuine Oneness in the Church Life!

 The genuine oneness is an all-inclusive, comprehensive oneness that includes all the positive things; what a privilege it is to know, experience, and enjoy the genuine oneness in the Lord’s recovery today! Amen! It is the Lord’s mercy and grace that He brought us here, on the genuine ground of oneness, to enjoy the […]