All throughout the Bible and in our experience also we see that the people of God have a deep desire to be revived, to have a revival. Ever since the fall of man, since Adam’s fall which brought in corruption, slavery, and death, there has been an aspiration in the whole creation for revival (see […]
Revival: Every Believer has a Deep Desire and Aspiration to be Revived!
enjoying the dew and the manna from the Lord to be revived every morning

The Lord promises in Hosea 14:5, “I will be like the dew to Israel“. If you read the context of this chapter in Hosea you will see that the people of Israel have left God, going after idols, and they committed adultery. Yet God will still be to them like the dew, refreshing in the […]
the highest expression of our Christian life is prophesying for building up

Have you ever thought what is the highest expression of our Christian life? It is not doing a lot of great works for the Lord or even our living before men – it is our speaking for God, speaking forth God, and speaking God into people. The highest expression of one who represents the King […]
keeping ourselves empty, open, fresh, living, and young with the Lord for His move

This morning we were enjoying some simple ways to cooperate with Christ in His heavenly ministry in the day of His warfare. First of all, we need to rise up early in the morning to contact the Lord whom we love so that we may enter into the womb of the dawn to be conceived […]
sharing from the full time training in London – learning to know the Lord and to depend on Him
The Lord desires that all men be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth – for this, He may take “the long route” by training us daily and shepherding us every day to get into His Word, have set time with the Lord, and fellowship with the saints in the Body. With […]
we receive a vision of Christ in glory by being revived every morning, spending adequate time with Him
The One seen by Isaiah was the King, Jehovah of Hosts – this One is the glorious Christ. Just like Isaiah, we also need to receive the vision of Christ in glory. What was amazing to me was Isaiah’s reaction to seeing this Christ in glory. Isa. 6:4-5 says: And the foundations of the threshold […]