The Lord Jesus shepherds us into the full enjoyment of Himself in the house of God now and for eternity. Amen! The Lord Jesus as our Shepherd is shepherding us into the enjoyment of Himself even as we walk in the valley of the shadow of death, and He sets a table before us in […]
The Lord Jesus Shepherds us into the Full Enjoyment of Himself in the House of God
Ministering to the Lord not by Human Effort or Sweat but in God’s Rest and Blessing

According to Ezek. 44:17-18, those who minister to the Lord should not wear woolen but linen garments, so that they would not sweat; this means that as we serve the Lord we should do a work with no sweat, no human effort, a work under God’s blessing. We want to be those who minister to […]
we can experience the Lord’s presence even as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Psalm 23 is one of the most well known and often quoted chapters in the entire Bible – but do we really see what is going on in Psalm 23? We may even know it by heart, but do we see God’s economy in this psalm? Do we see the organic shepherding of the Pneumatic […]
Keeping the Sabbath and Fasting – two precious things in the book of Isaiah – are our experience today!
There are many precious things hidden in the book of Isaiah, and two of these things are the keeping of the Sabbath and fasting. Many people don’t really want to talk about the Sabbath or fasting since these matters have been spoiled by God’s enemy, Satan. Even such precious things as the keeping of the […]