In order for us to practice the scriptural way to meet and serve for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need a daily revived living and a labor in shepherding that flow out from our love for the Lord. To practice the God ordained-way to meet and serve is not merely to […]
A Daily Revived Living: Renewed every Morning and Freshly Transformed every day
Revival: Every Believer has a Deep Desire and Aspiration to be Revived!

All throughout the Bible and in our experience also we see that the people of God have a deep desire to be revived, to have a revival. Ever since the fall of man, since Adam’s fall which brought in corruption, slavery, and death, there has been an aspiration in the whole creation for revival (see […]
our wedding garment as the bride is our battle uniform as the warrior

Have you ever heard of such a thing? How can you take your newly wed wife to war right after you get married to her and have a great wedding? Well, at least in two distinct portions in the Bible we see that when Christ will return He will marry His overcomers as His bride […]
practical ways to live in the divine history within the human history

This week we are going deeper into the matter of living in the divine history within the human history by getting into the matter of, The Universal History according to God’s Economy — the Divine History within the Human History. Today in particular I was impressed with some simple yet practical ways of living in […]
the highest expression of our Christian life is prophesying for building up

Have you ever thought what is the highest expression of our Christian life? It is not doing a lot of great works for the Lord or even our living before men – it is our speaking for God, speaking forth God, and speaking God into people. The highest expression of one who represents the King […]
why do we need to have a time of morning revival every day? (sharing from the One Week Training)
In the one week training, the one thing touched me the most was the Morning Revival Fellowship classes. These classes gave me a new and fresh view on how important morning revival is to a Christian. Many times in my life I have taken the practice of Morning Revival for granted. I did come to […]