We need to enjoy the Lord early in the morning, day by day, so that we may be revived and renewed little by little, day by day. As those who love the Lord and are preparing themselves for His return, we need to be renewed day by day, have a renewal that is fresh […]
We need to Enjoy the Lord early in the Morning to be Revived and Renewed Day by day
Having the Ambition to Wash others’ Feet in Love by being Filled with the Spirit

We should have the ambition before the Lord to wash others’ feet in love; for this, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit and be in constant fellowship with the Lord, and we need to refresh others’ spirit, in this way maintaining an excellent fellowship with which we shall have the real church […]
A Daily Revived Living: Renewed every Morning and Freshly Transformed every day

In order for us to practice the scriptural way to meet and serve for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need a daily revived living and a labor in shepherding that flow out from our love for the Lord. To practice the God ordained-way to meet and serve is not merely to […]
we have an organic union with our evergreen, fresh, and forever new God!

The genuine believers in Christ do not live for themselves, trying their best to better themselves to become good people to be appreciated by others. Rather, the genuine believers produce satisfying fruit and cheering drink for others to be happy and to enjoy the Lord. There’s an overflow of the divine life which they daily […]