A good minister of Christ sacrifices himself and puts himself aside in order to keep the absoluteness of the truth, for he stands on the side of the truth and not with his condition; such a one not only enjoys and ministers grace but also exercises his spirit to reject himself and exalt Christ […]
Exercise our Spirit to Put Ourselves aside and keep the Absoluteness of the Truth
For us to gain Christ, we need to Continually Deny the Self and Turn to our Spirit

In order for us to take Christ as everything and gain Him in all things, we need to learn to continually deny the self and turn to our spirit; everything we need is in our spirit, for we are joined to the Lord as one spirit, and we simply need to enter into our […]
We Reject our Natural Disposition, Trust in God, and Live by the All-Fitting Life in our Spirit

In the Lord’s work, we need to reject ourselves, oppose our disposition, and not be limited by our natural disposition; we need to live by the divine life who is able to endure all things, fit all situations, and meet all needs for the fulfilment of God’s purpose. Many people – believers and unbelievers alike […]
Having a Proper Fear of God because we will all Appear before Christ’s Judgment Seat

As believers in Christ, we should have a proper fear of God because we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; the holy fear of God is actually a source of joy as a fountain of life and as a tree of life. To fear God doesn’t mean that we are afraid of […]
Living in the Divine History within Human History for the Manifestation of Christ

This week we are enjoying a wonderful topic, The Continuation of the Book of Acts – Living in the Divine History within Human History. We will see, in a way, a synopsis of the book of Acts in its intrinsic significance and its organic reality. Our prayer should be that the Lord would open our […]
Meeting in Oneness, in the name of Jesus, in the Mingled Spirit, and with the Cross

In His wisdom, God has chosen a particular place for His people to meet – in the Old Testament this was Jerusalem, and in the New Testament is the genuine ground of oneness, the ground of the church. According to the Biblical principle, in God’s eyes there’s only one church in one city. There is […]