The center of God’s complete salvation and the commencement of God’s salvation in its organic aspect is regeneration; we have been regenerated by God with His life through His word of life by His Spirit of life to be children of God, sons of God, so that we may experience and enjoy God’s organic […]
Regeneration: being Born of God by the Spirit through the Word of Life in our Spirit
The Power of God through Faith is able to Guard us unto the Salvation of our Soul

Hallelujah, the power of God is able to guard us unto the salvation of our soul to be revealed, and we should eagerly expect this marvellous, full, and ultimate salvation and prepare for its splendid revelation! Amen! As believers in Christ, we need to take up the shield of faith, experience the proving of […]
We have the Divine Right to Participate in God’s Life, Nature, Being, Image, and Glory

As believers in Christ, we experience God’s organic salvation, and we go up level by level until we become beings in the New Jerusalem; as God-men, we have the divine right to participate in what God is so that we may be made the same as Christ. The vision that God has shown us these […]
we are being produced as babes and sucklings who offer God the perfected praise to defeat His enemy!
In Psalms 8 we see that God establishes strength – perfects praise from the mouths of the babes and sucklings. It’s not the “strong young men” or the “mighty warriors” that fight for God and defeat the enemy – at least in this psalm. It is like Paul said in 1 Cor. 1:28-30, … The lowborn […]
“You are My Son; today I have begotten You” – Christ was begotten to be the Firstborn Son of God!
According to Psalm 2:7-9, in His resurrection, Christ was begotten by God to be His Son who inherits all the nations and possessess the whole earth! These verses are crucial in our Christian life, since they prophesy about a great truth concerning Christ’s divinity, His humanity, and God’s economy as revealed in the second Psalm, […]
all the cases in John represent us: we need Christ!(college age conference sharing)
The recent students conference in Wales overall revived my spirit to a great extent. The Gospel of John starts making sense for me. In a way, we are all the nine cases recorded in John: we are moral, immoral, dying, impotent, thirsty, hungry, bondaged in sin, blind in religion, and ultimately we are dead. I […]
we need to be born of God with the divine life in order for us to be part of the kingdom of God
It is not by our doing, our striving, or our behavior that we become part of the kingdom of God, and neither is it by our being affiliated to any of the “churches” that are out there. The only way we can become part of the kingdom of God or even see the kingdom of […]