The apostle Paul was a pattern of living Christ, magnifying Christ, doing all things in Christ, and pursuing Christ to be found in Christ; he lived such a life when he was on his ministry journey and also in his imprisonment journey. Whether in good situation or in persecution, whether in outward success or imprisonment, […]
Being a Pattern of Living Christ, Magnifying Christ, and Living the Body Life
Cooperating with the Work of the Spirit to Propagate Christ for God’s Shining Testimony

The book of Acts is still being written today, for our God is always advancing and the Holy Spirit is working to propagate Christ for God to gain shining golden lampstands, the church as the Body of Christ. All throughout the Bible we see that there’s a divine history going on within the human history. […]
Our Triune God has been Processed and Consummated to become the Spirit

The New Testament reveals that our God has passed through a process in His economy to become the processed and consummated Triune God, which is the Spirit. God became a man, lived a perfect human life, died on the cross, resurrected, and was ascended, so that He may become an all-inclusive, life-giving, compounded Spirit who […]
Expecting the Savior’s Return and Living a Sanctified Life (CP1 1&2 Thes)

This week we are enjoying some of the crucial points in 1 and 2 Thessalonians, and the first one is, Expecting the Savior’s Return and Living a Sanctified Life. Here are some of the verses we can enjoy and prayerfully read, together with the footnotes in the Recovery Version Bible: 1 Thes. 1:10 And await […]
Overcoming the Principle of Babylon by Taking Christ as our Burnt Offering Daily

The only way for us to overcome the principle of Babylon is by daily taking Christ as our burnt offering, for He lived a life that is perfect and absolutely for God and for God’s satisfaction, and He is such a life in us to enable us to have such a living. We first need […]
The Ingredients of the Incense typify Christ with His Death and Resurrection

As those who love God, seek Him, and desire to experience Him, we need to know what makes Him happy and how can we contribute to the fulfilment of His purpose. What is it that satisfies God’s heart and what contributes to the fulfillment of His purpose? It is Christ, but in a more specific […]
Drinking of God as the Fountain of Living Waters to Become His Increase

We as Christians and genuine believers in Christ need to do one thing: we need to drink of God as the fountain of living waters! Yes, we need to read the Bible, we need to pray, we need to meet with other saints, and we need to do so many other things, but first and […]