The unique way for us to enter into the kingdom of God is to be regenerated so that we may receive God as life; as regenerated ones, the divine life within us knows the life of God and the mind of God. Amen! We need to come back to the divine revelation in God’s word […]
We enter God’s Kingdom Through Regeneration: now our Spirit knows the Kingdom of God
Eternal Life is the Triune God Dispensed into us to be our Life and to Live in us

Life is mysterious because life is God Himself. Our human life is mysterious and we are not able to fully understand it. How much more the life of God? If we can barely grasp what our human life is about, what about the eternal life? Throughout the Bible we see many people who have experienced […]
What is the Purpose of God’s Creation of Man in His Image and with a Spirit?

Have you ever wondered, What is God’s purpose in creating man? God is a God of purpose, and nothing He does is accidental or as a reaction to what others do, taking God by surprise. Why did God create man? Some Christians say that God created man because “God wanted to have fellowship with man”, […]
Death (the Sea) is Defeated and Life (the Plant Life) is Generated by Christ (the Good Land)

Genesis 1 is not recorded in the Bible as “a history of the creation” but rather it is showing us how we can experience Christ as life. We start as “dead in sins and offenses” (Rom. 5:12) – corresponding to “the earth became waste and void” – and at one point, the Spirit of God […]