What the Lord desires to gain is the New Jerusalem as the consummation of the Body of Christ, and for us to live out the New Jerusalem is to grow up into the Head by the mingling of God with man. Furthermore, to work out the New Jerusalem is to function out from the Head […]
We need to Live out and Work out the New Jerusalem in the Mingling of God and Man
The Body of Christ is the Intrinsic Significance and Organic Factor of the Church

The highest peak in God’s economy is the reality of the Body of Christ; the Body is the significance and the organic factor of the church, for without the Body the church is meaningless. This week we come to the matter of, Blending for the Reality of the Body of Christ, and today in particular […]
The Body of Christ is the Enlargement of Christ as the Mingling of God and Man

The Body of Christ is the mingling of God and man, and the way for us to live in the reality of the Body of Christ is to be in the organic union with Christ in our mingled spirit. The Lord Jesus told us that He is the vine and we are the branches, so […]
Remaining in the Organic Union with the Lord to be in the Actuality of the Body

The Body of Christ is an organic matter, and for us to be organic in the Body is to be organically united with Christ, and the actuality of the Body is the remaining in this organic union we have with Christ. Our relationship with Christ is not only of dependence on Him, love toward Him, […]
Entering the Reality of the Body of Christ by Living in the Organic Union with Christ

We enter into the reality of the Body of Christ by living in the organic union with Christ in our daily life. This matter of the organic union with Christ is not only a high matter but also a deep one, like a deep ocean. The Spirit of God searches the things of God and […]
Exercising our Spirit to Switch on the Law of Life and Enjoy Christ as the Jubilee

When we were born again, the Spirit came into our spirit, and the law of the Spirit of life started to operate in us; we can cooperate with the inner law of the Spirit of life by exercising our spirit to switch on this law so that we can enjoy Christ as the freedom and […]
Before the Lord Jesus Comes Back, He will Fully Recover the Proper Church Life

This week in our morning revival we come to a very precious and dear matter both to the Lord and to us: the recovery of the church life; He wants to recover the proper church life today! This expression, the church life, is not very common among believers today. On the day we were baptized […]