We believers in Christ have been rooted in Christ as the soil, and in Him we do not lack anything; as we take time to absorb the Lord as the all-inclusive land, we enjoy and partake of His fullness, His crucifixion, His burial, His raising up, His vivifying, and everything that He is to us […]
Absorb the Lord as the All-inclusive Land with His Riches as seen in Col. 2:8-15
Pray to be One with Christ, Put the Flesh to Death one with the Spirit, and Live in Spirit

For us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray to be one with Christ, put the flesh to death one with the Spirit, and live in the mingled spirit. The main purpose of the record of Genesis is not to show the fall of man but to show how much God’s grace […]
Pray in Union with the Interceding Christ to Cooperate with the Fighting Spirit and Put the Flesh to death

In order for us to deal with the flesh, we need to pray in union with the interceding Christ in order to cooperate with the fighting Spirit who indwells us; this is seen in type in Exo. 17, where Joshua, Moses, Hur, and Aaron were all involved in the defeat of the Amalekites. Amalek […]
Cooperating with the Lord by Exercising our Spirit to Pray and Put the Flesh to Death

In Exodus 17 Amalek and his people came to fight the people of Israel as they were on their journey to the good land to fulfill God’s purpose. Amalek didn’t just attack the people of Israel but they had a hand against the throne of God. Amalek tried to overthrow God’s throne, just as Satan […]