Part of the consecration of the priests in Lev. 8 was their being clothed with priestly garments, which show that our outward expression should be Christ’s divine attributes expressed in human virtues. As believers in Christ, we are priests to God, and this is a high honor and calling. It is something solemn and serious, […]
Being Adorned with the Expression of Christ as our Priestly Garments in our Living
The Breastplate is Central Point of the Priesthood: God’s Leading is in the Church

This week in our crystallization-study of Exodus we come to the matter of the breastplate – the central and ultimate point of the priesthood. In Exodus 28, when the priesthood is introduced, there’s a great emphasis on the garments the priest wore; these garments signify our living as priests to God – our living must […]
Being Priests Expressing Christ in our Living to Light the Lamps in the Meetings

As believers in Christ, we are priests of God and members of the Body of Christ, and we meet with other believers in the church; our responsibility and privilege as we meet is that we light the lamps, that is, cause the divine light to ascend. Our God is light, and we as believers in […]
The Significance of the Priestly Garments and their Application in our Christian Life

All believers in Christ are priests to God, and as such we need to have a certain kind of diet (Christ as the reality of all the offerings and as the bread of the presence) and we need to have a particular kind of clothing, something that will set us aside from the rest as […]
Putting on Christ as our Clothing by Living out Christ to Magnify Him in our Living

Before we can work for God as priests we need to take care of our living; Christ is everything to us for our living as priests. Christ is our food – He is the reality of all the offerings in a specific and detailed way, and He is the bread of the presence to nourish […]