We Serve God in Worship by Preaching the Gospel of God’s Son in our Mingled Spirit

All the requirements related to the believers – as revealed in the New Testament – are met by Christ living in us; in order for us to live the Christian life and serve God in our spirit in the gospel of His Son, we need to daily receive the divine supply. There is no way […]

Spreading the Truths of the Lord’s Recovery is a Preparation for the Lord’s Return

As believers in Christ we are those who serve God first by knowing the age, then by realizing the way Christ fulfills His economy, by seeing the world situation as the indicator of the Lord’s move, and by spreading the truths of the Lord’s recovery for His coming back. We need to serve God in […]

Like the Apostle Paul, We’re Entrusted with the Gospel of the Glory of the Blessed God

This week I was really impressed regarding the gospel, both concerning our need to preach the gospel and concerning the gospel itself being a full and complete gospel. I grew up in a Christian family and so I heard the gospel being preached many times, and I knew like most Christians that Jesus died for […]

The Gospel includes All the Truths in the Bible: the Entire Bible is the Gospel of God

For the next five weeks or so we are enjoying a topic that is both broad and specific: the Gospel. Many believers know what the gospel is, and many unbelievers think they know what the gospel is. We want to seek the Lord in His word to get a deeper understanding and appreciation of the […]

Serving God in our Spirit in the Gospel of His Son, the Subjective Gospel of Christ

This morning while enjoying the Lord in His word with the help of the ministry of the age I was touched with the fact that our priesthood of the gospel is a matter in our mingled spirit. Paul told us that God is his witness how he serves God as a priest in his spirit […]

Being Laboring Priests of the Gospel Offering Saved Sinners to God for His Delight

As believers in Christ we are laboring priests of the gospel of God by serving God in our mingled spirit in the gospel of His Son (Rom. 15:16). We are laboring priests of the good news, the glad tidings, by serving God unceasingly in our spirit and worshiping, enjoying, and being mingled with God in […]

Carrying Out the Stewardship of God by Preaching the Gospel and Dispensing Christ

All believers in Christ have been entrusted by God with a stewardship, which is to minister the riches of Christ into others for the building up of the Body of Christ. When we preach the gospel, we carry out the stewardship of God by contacting sinners where they are and ministering God into them (see […]