Have you ever wondered, How comes I am a Christian and So-and-So is not? He may be a better person than me, but for some reason I believe in God while he doesn’t yet or even refuses to. It is not our seeking for God and our hunger for reality that primarily brought us to […]
Praying One with Christ at the Incense Altar for God’s Administration to be Executed
Not Hindering God Anymore but Being Fully Responsive to Him for Him to Work
![We need the Lord to shine on us both individually and corporately as the church that we may see, in His light, what He can do AND what we can hinder Him from doing. [In the picture: The Lord must bring us to a place of utter responsiveness to Himself so that He can have a free and unhindered way to do whatever He wants to do, Watchman Nee]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/a-place-of-utter-responsiveness-to-god-unhindered-way.jpg?fit=300%2C199&ssl=1)
I am impressed and humbled to see how much God is limited to man’s cooperation. God is omnipotent and He can do everything He wants, but His omnipotence is limited because His church on earth does not release His power and His will. God needs to have certain conditions suitable for His working, and then […]
A Man of Prayer Waits Constantly Before God and Intercedes for What’s on His Heart
![When Sarah (who was 90 years old) heard that God promised Abraham that she would have a son, she laughed. Humanly it is impossible for someone that old to still conceive. [In the picture: Is anything too hard for God?]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/nothing-is-impossible-with-god-is-anything-too-hard-for-thelord.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1)
In Gen. 18 we see how God came to visit His friend Abraham in a human form, and He spent some time with him to eat together and converse together. Abraham was one who was dealt with by the Lord and he learned the lesson of not being hasty to ask God for things or […]
Praying Toward God’s Interests so that God would Listen to Our Prayer
![Praying Toward God's Interests so that God would Listen to Our Prayer [in the picture: 1 Kings 8:48-49, praying toward God's land, His house, and His city]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/1kings8-48-49-pray-toward-gods-house-gods-interest.jpg?fit=300%2C222&ssl=1)
Have you ever wondered, What kind of prayers does God listen to and answer? As Christians we pray for a lot of things, but how do we know that God will listen to our prayers? In the Bible we see a very important principle concerning prayer: God will listen to our prayers if our prayers […]
Prayer is the Real Denying of the Self, the Real: No Longer I But Christ!
![Prayer is the Real Denying of the Self, the Real: No Longer I But Christ! [in the picture: Gal. 2:20]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/i-no-longer-live-but-christ-lives-in-me-gal2-20.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=1)
God needs men of prayer, men who habitually and continually pray by exercising their spirit to pray themselves into God and receive His life supply. Prayer is so full of meaning, it accomplishes so much, and it is so much overlooked and neglected! To pray really means that we as Christians realize that by ourselves, […]
A Man of Prayer Prays Himself Into God to Receive the Life Supply from Him
![If we sense that our prayer is not bringing us into the Triune God, we should change the way we pray. We need to make sure that we pray ourselves into God! Remove all distractions and focus only on Him. Just be honest with God, tell Him, ask Him, seek Him, and knock on His door. [Picture: Matt. 6:9-10]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/matt6-9-10-your-name-sanctified-kingdom-come.jpg?fit=300%2C225&ssl=1)
The Lord Jesus taught us how to pray in Luke 11:1-13, where we see that for us to be men of prayer we need to pray ourselves into God to receive the life supply from the Father. The more we pray the Lord’s prayer with an exercised spirit, and the more we pray according to […]
Seeing the Pattern of the Lord Jesus as a Man of Prayer in the Gospels
![Seeing the Pattern of the Lord Jesus as a Man of Prayer in the Gospels [in the picture: Matt. 6:46-47, Christ was a Man of Prayer]](https://i0.wp.com/agodman.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/matt6-46-47-christ-was-a-man-of-prayer.jpg?fit=300%2C284&ssl=1)
For God to accomplish His will, He needs a people on the earth that would pray His will for Him to do it. God doesn’t need only “prayers once in a while, when we remember or when we are reminded by others” – God needs men of prayer. With Daniel as a man of prayer […]