We are preserved in the church life and in the ministry by receiving the word as the Spirit to be the killing sword, which is a spiritual antibiotic to kill the “germs” within us so that we can live a healthy Body life, a healthy church life. This is a secret that we all must […]
Being Preserved by Receiving the Word of God as the Spirit to be the Killing Sword
Inhale God as we Read the Bible and Exhale Him as we Speak to others to Minister Life

All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for us so that we may be equipped and perfected for every good work; we need to inhale God as we read the Bible to receive life, and we need to exhale God as we speak to others to impart life to them. Amen! This is the only way […]
Renewed in God’s Living Word for our Growth and Transformation in Life to be a New Man

We need to be renewed in God’s living word for our growth in life and transformation in life to be a new man who enjoys and partakes of the good land, the all-inclusive Christ. After the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, the second generation had a renewed training given by God through […]
Our being in the Name of the Lord Jesus Involves our Oneness with the Divine Trinity

The Gospel of John reveals that our being in the name of the Lord Jesus involves the Divine Trinity, in particular, our oneness with God and doing everything in Him. Doing all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is a great and high matter, for it is the culmination of all […]
Give Heed to the Prophetic Word as to a Lamp Shining in a Dark Place until the Day Dawns

As believers in Christ living in the last days of this age, we are eagerly waiting for the Lord’s return, and we give heed to the prophetic word as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the morning star rises in our hearts. We are in a dark age today, and the […]
Pray-Read the Word of Prophecy in the Scripture to have Light until the Lord’s Return

Peter likens the word of prophecy in the Scripture to a lamp shining in a dark place; the opening of the Lord’s word gives light, imparts understanding, and leads us on the Christian pathway until the morning star rises in our hearts. We as believers in Christ need to give heed to the prophetic […]
Partaking of the Divine Nature under God’s Dispensing to be Perfect in God’s Love

In order for us as kingdom people to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect, we need to be perfect in His love, for love is the nature of God’s essence; we need to partake of God’s divine nature and remain under God’s dispensing day by day. God is love – love is […]