From the portion in 2 Chronicles 20:15-22 we can learn to engage in spiritual warfare by praising the Lord; the Christian life soars through praise, and the highest expression of our spiritual life is our praise to God. Praise the Lord! This is one of the last and highest crucial aspect of living in […]
Engage in Spiritual Warfare by Praising the Lord; Christian Life Soars through Praise
We Exalt Christ and Praise the Lord, for Spiritual Victory Depends on our Praising!

Praise the Lord, we are learning to exalt Christ, give Him the preeminence, and praise the Lord, for our realization is that spiritual victory depends not on warfare but on our praises! We need to know the vital factors that enabled the people of Israel to be victorious in their first warfare, realizing that they […]
We should Offer a Sacrifice of Praise to God even when we Suffer and are Afflicted

The nature of praise is an offering – we need to offer a sacrifice of praise, even from our suffering, pain, and loss; when we praise the Lord in every situation, we display Christ’s victory and we overcome spiritual attacks. When the Bible speaks of praise, it says that we need to offer up through […]
Praising the Lord Enthrones and Exalts Him and makes us Soar in our Christian life

Praise is the highest work carried out by God’s children and the highest expression of our spiritual life; praising the Lord is the way to soar in our Christian life. We have been enjoying the matter of the prayer of the church as the Body of Christ, and now we come to the matter of […]
offering up a sacrifice of praise to God through Christ and with Christ

What does it mean to praise the Lord? Does it mean to simply say it? Does it mean that only in the meetings of the church we raise our voices and we say, Praise God? This morning I was encouraged to see further than to worship God and to praise God means to simply present […]
the highest work carried out by God’s children is to praise the Lord!

What is the highest work a Christian can do? It is not merely praying or doing a lot of things for the Lord, but it is praising. When we praise the Lord, we enthrone Him and we exalt Him. The highest work carried out by God’s children is praise – the highest expression of a […]
Crystallization Study of the Psalms(1) – praising the Lord and speaking psalms to one another!
Praise the Lord, we have started the video-training on the Crystallization Study of the Psalms (1)! We watched the first message entitled, the Central Thought of the Book of Psalms – and it was so rich! It will take us weeks to digest and our whole life to experience and enjoy the riches of Christ […]