We need to see a vision of the excellency of Christ. Paul saw it, and for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ he considered all other things (even good things) to be refuse, so that he may gain Christ (Phil. 3:7-8). We may still treasure and desire other things today, but when Christ is […]
Knowing and Appreciating Christ in His Excellency and Supreme Preciousness
the spirit is in the soul, the soul in the body, and the body is in time(college age conference sharing)
Praise the Lord for this past College Age Conference – it really refreshed my love and my consecration towards the Lord Jesus! It reminded me that I am such a thirsty sinner just like the Samaritan woman when she came to draw water from the well (John 4). We keep on drinking the worldly water […]
The goal of the gospel is to love the Lord Jesus! (sharing from the college-age conference)
Hallelujah – The goal of the gospel is to love the Lord Jesus! The College Age Conference in Wales last weekend was my first conference ever. Although I have been a Christian for many years I am very new to the church life and it is by His great mercy that 6 months ago “He brought some […]
Why this waste? Wasting ourselves upon the Lord…

This is the goal of the gospel – that loving the Lord Jesus with the first love we would pour out upon Him what is most precious to us – even our most costly and valuable spiritual treasures! Just wasting ourselves upon Him! We see this in Matthew 26:6-12 where the Lord Jesus was invited […]